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The XMM-Newton Survey Science Centre was selected by the European Space Agency (ESA) to ensure that the scientific community can exploit the data accumulated by the ESA cornerstone mission, the XMM-Newton X-ray observatory. These pages summarise the work that we undertake and how to access the catalogues that we have produced in the framework of this mission.
The latest from the XMM-Newton Survey Science Centre :
- February 2025: Version 3 of the XMM-Newton Slew catalogue is now out, see here.
- February 2025: The XMM-Newton SOC together with its partners at NASA from the XMM-Newton Guest Observer Facility will be hosting its first virtual Data Analysis Workshop April 1-3, 2025. This workshop, geared towards new and experienced users of XMM-Newton data, will (1) highlight the diverse scientific studies that can be enabled by XMM-Newton, (2) introduce beginners to the Science Analysis Software (SAS) and Extended Source Analysis System (ESAS) as well as the XMM-Newton Science Archive (XSA), and (4) introduce beginners and experienced users alike to SciServer and Datalabs. The workshop will be split between presentations and hands-on sessions, distributed over more than 12h duration, to allow participants in Europe as well as the US to attend at convenient times. The goal of the workshop is to improve the accessibility and usability of XMM-Newton data and its data reduction and analysis software, and to introduce the tools created for use with SciServer and Datalabs, which focus on making data reduction more accessible regardless of computing resources and expertise available at a given institution. Registration is open here and is free of charge. To prepare for the workshop, please register for an ESA Datalabs account and familiarise yourself with the interface and use the invitation code "XMM2025" when registering with Datalabs, so your account can be assigned to the workshop.
- January 2025: Version 22 of the XMM-Newton Science Analysis System (SAS) is now out, see here.
- December 2024: Happy 25th anniversary to XMM-Newton on 10th December 2024! Wishing you many more years of service to the community! Read about some of XMM-Newton's achievements here and provide your feedback on XMM-Newton here.
- August 2024: The XMM-Newton Announcement of Opportunity for 2024 (AO24) is now open until the 11th October 2024, see here for details.
- August 2024: A new XMM-SSC postdoc position has been opened at AIM/CEA Saclay, see job announcement.
- July 2024: 4XMM-DR14 and 4XMM-DR14s are out with more than a million X-ray detections!
- March 2024: A very successful workshop XMM-Newton survey legacy for Athena and beyond was held in Toulouse from 26-29th February 2024. It focussed on topics that are important to legacy missions including catalogues, source detection, source classification and machine learning techniques, time domain astronomy and other tools for exploiting large datasets. The talks are now online on the workshop webpage.
- December 2023: The 36th XMM-SSC/XMM2ATHENA consortium meeting will be held in Toulouse after the XMM-Newton survey legacy for Athena and beyond workshop, from 29th February - 1st March 2024. See the Consortium meeting website
- November 2023: We will be holding a workshop in Toulouse entitled XMM-Newton survey legacy for Athena and beyond from 26-29th February 2024, which will focus on topics that are important to legacy missions including catalogues, source detection, source classification and machine learning techniques, time domain astronomy and other tools for exploiting large datasets. There will also be some discussion on citizen science and outreach in general. It will be the chance to learn about the new software that has been developed within the XMM2ATHENA H2020 project, as well as other similar projects, and to see some of the exciting science that has been done using the new tools.
- June 2023: 4XMM-DR13 and 4XMM-DR13s are out.
- May 2023: New XMM-SSC post-doc position open at the Strasbourg Observatory.
- March 2023: Updated version of the FLIX sensitivity estimator.
- November 2022: Photo from the 35th XMM-SSC and XMM2ATHENA consortium meeting in Athens.
- September 2022: The 35th XMM-SSC and the XMM2ATHENA consortium meetings will take place in Athens in October, the webpage.
- July 2022: 4XMM-DR12 and 4XMM-DR12s are out.
- May 2022: The summary of numerous outreach activities and new outreach resources available here.
- April 2022: Updated interface to the FLIX upper limit server. A development version is available here.
- January 2022: A new interface to query the stacked catalogue has been release and it can be accessed here.
- October 2021: The 34th XMM-SSC consortium meeting took place remotely on the 13th and 14th October 2021. The meeting photo can be found here.
- September 2021: The 34th XMM-SSC consortium meeting will take place on 13th and 14th October via video-conference, due to the ongoing travel restrictions. This is the preliminary agenda.
- August 2021: The SSC has released a new version of both the catalogue of detections, 4XMM-DR11 and the stacked catalogue, 4XMM-DR11s. 4XMM-DR11 contains 895415 detections and 602543 unique sources, along with spectra and lightcurves for 306000 detections. 4XMM-DR11s contains 338809 sources, of which 275440 have several contributing observations.
- April 2021: The XMM-SSC is extremely happy to benefit from increased funding over the next three years thanks to the European H2020 funded programme, XMM2ATHENA, see here .
- March 2021: The 34th XMM-SSC consortium meeting will take place on 13th and 14th October at ESAC, pandemic permitting (otherwise via videoconference). More information to follow soon.
- December 2020: To celebrate the 21st anniversary of XMM-Newton, the SSC has released a new version of both the catalogue of detections, 4XMM-DR10 and the stacked catalogue, 4XMM-DR10s. 4XMM-DR10 contains 849991 detections and 575158 unique sources, along with spectra and lightcurves for 306000 detections. 4XMM-DR10s contains 335812 sources, of which 256213 have several contributing observations. Press releases in English and in French.
- December 2020: Release of the citizen science project, CLAXSON, allowing the general public to participate in the identification of the X-ray sources in the 4XMM-DR10 catalogue. Access the platform here.
- November 2020: The postponed 33rd XMM-Newton SSC consortium meeting took place remotely on the 23rd and 24th November 2020. The meeting photo can be found here.
- October 2020: The postponed 33rd XMM-Newton SSC consortium meeting will take place remotely on the 23rd and 24th November 2020. The preliminary agenda can be found here.
- Septembre 2020: Two new XMM-SSC post-doc positions are open, one at the Observatoire de Strasbourg, see for the job description and one at IRAP, Toulouse, see for the job description .
- March 2020: The 33rd XMM-Newton SSC consortium meeting due to take place at ESAC, Spain from the 10-11 March 2020 has been postponed due to travel restrictions in place because of the spread of COVID-19. The meeting will take place later in the year.
- January 2020: New XMM-SSC position open at Saclay, see the job description for more details.
- January 2020: The 33rd XMM-Newton SSC consortium meeting will take place at ESAC, Spain from the 10-11 March 2020. Please see the webpage for further details.
- December 2019: Press releases for the release of 4XMM are available in English , French and Spanish .
- December 2019: To celebrate the 20th anniversary of XMM-Newton, the SSC has released a completely new version of both the catalogue of detections, 4XMM-DR9 and the stacked catalogue, 4XMM-DR9s. 4XMM-DR9 contains 810795 detections and 550124 unique sources, along with spectra and lightcurves for more than 288000 detections. 4XMM-DR9s contains 288191 sources, of which 218283 have several contributing observations.
- December 2019: Happy birthday to XMM-Newton - 20 years in orbit on 10th December 2019! .
- April 2019: Update to the stacked catalogue 3XMM-DR7s .
- March 2019: Photo taken at the 32nd Consortium meeting here . Update of the documents in the restricted access section.
- January 2019: The FLIX upper limit server has been updated and includes new XMM-Newton data.
- January 2019: The 32nd XMM-Newton SSC consortium meeting will take place at the Observatoire Astronomique de Strasbourg, France from the 20-21 March 2019. Please see the webpage for further details.
- December 2018: New Arches post-doc position related to the XMM-SSC work open at the Observatoire Astronomique de Strasbourg, see the job description for more details.
- September 2018: New XMM-SSC position open at Saclay, see the job description for more details.
- July 2018: The first version of the XMM-Newton stacked catalogue 3XMM-DR7s released with 71951 stacked X-ray sources, the first catalogue of XMM-Newton X-ray sources from regions of the sky observed repeatedly.
- May 2018: New version of the XMM-Newton catalogue 3XMM-DR8 released with 775153 detections and 531454 unique sources.
- May 2018: A new version of the XMM-SSC webpages is now available for the general public via the tab above or via the link to the general public pages.
- April 2018: The programme for the workshop "Treasures hidden in high-energy catalogues" is now online here.
- April 2018: A couple of photos from the 31st XMM-Newton Survey Science Centre Consortium meeting.
- January 2018: The workshop "Treasures hidden in high-energy catalogues" will take place from 22nd-24th May 2018 at IRAP, Toulouse, France. This workshop offers the opportunity to get a full overview of the different catalogues proposed in the framework of ESA's XMM-Newton mission. A range of other high energy and multiwavelength catalogues will also be presented, as well as synergies between these catalogues. Innovative methods for exploiting catalogues, such as machine learning, will also be discussed. More information can be found on the workshop website.
- December 2017: The 31st XMM-Newton SSC consortium meeting will take place at AIM/CEA, Saclay, France from the 16-17th April 2018. Please see the webpage for further details.
- June 2017: New version of the XMM-Newton catalogue 3XMM-DR7 released with 727790 detections and 499266 unique sources. More information available here.
- April 2017: Photo from the 30th XMM-Newton Survey Science Centre Consortium meeting.
- December 2016: An extension to the XMM-Newton OM catalogue (SUSS) - bright UV sources now included, see paper for further details.
- November 2016: The 30th XMM-Newton SSC consortium meeting will take place at MPE, Garching Germany. Please see the webpage for further details.
- July 2016: New version of the XMM-Newton catalogue 3XMM-DR6 released with 678680 detections and 468440 unique sources.
- May 2016: Update to the XMM-Newton spectral-fit databasethat proposes simple spectral fits for 123256 detections (83953 sources) in 3XMM-DR5.
- April 2016: If you are interested in having a 1:82 scaled model of the XMM-Newton satellite, you can order them for a limited period here.
- March 2016: Photo from the 29th XMM-Newton Survey Science Centre Consortium meeting.
- February 2016: A new version of the Science Analysis Software (SAS) released (version 15) on the 4th February 2016 Website here.
- January 2016: New 3XMM-DR5 catalogue summary pages hosted on LEDAS.
- December 2015: The 29th XMM-Newton Survey Science Centre Consortium meeting will be held 14-15 March 2016 at IFCA, Santander Website here.
- August 2015: Upgrade to the XCatDB catalogue server for both versions of the 3XMM catalogue: 3XMM-DR5 and 3XMM-DR4.
- April 2015: A new version of the 3XMM catalogue, 3XMM-DR5, containing 565962 X-ray detections has been released. This release is accompanied by a paper detailing the catalogue. Please also see the press release.
- January 2015: The XMM-Newton Survey Science Centre Consortium (apologies to those that were missing!) picture.
- December 2014: The 28th XMM-Newton Survey Science Centre Consortium meeting to be held 22-23 January 2015 at MSSL Website here.
- November 2014: Update of the XMM-Newton spectral-fit database that proposes simple spectral fits for 114166 detections (77954 sources) in 3XMM-DR4.
- November 2014: A new XMM-Newton Survey Science Centre post-doc position has been opened at the IRAP, Toulouse. Please see here for more information.
- October 2014: A new 'watchout' has been released concerning the 3XMM-DR4 catalogue. Click here to go directly to the information.
- May 2014: Natalie Webb replaces Mike Watson as head of the SSC
- May 2014:XMM-Newton Survey Science Centre Consortium meeting held 13-14 May 2014 in Potsdam Website here.
- March 2014: New XMM-Newton Survey Science Centre web pages on line which replace these.
- 2014: Hundreds of new sources discovered in the 3XMM and 2XMM catalogues.
- 12 December 2013: New version of the Science Analysis System (SAS) SAS 13.5.0 released by ESA.
- 23 July 2013: Data release 4 of the the XMM-Newton serendipitous source catalogue 3XMM-DR4.
- 1st July 2013: Restructuring of the XMM-Newton Survey Science Centre. Natalie Webb (IRAP) took over from Simon Rosen (University of Leicester) as project manager.