Preliminary agenda Monday 23rd November 2020 Time Title of contribution Name ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chairperson : Axel Schwope 14:00 Welcome ESAC 14:05 Welcome Natalie Webb 14:15 XMM-Newton mission status Maria Santos-Lleo 14:40 SAS status and development Richard Saxton 15:10 Pipeline status and future Pedro Rodriguez 15:30 EPIC pn status Michael Freyberg 15:45 EPIC MOS status Jean Ballet 16:00 Break (Photo) Chairperson : Maria Santos Lleo 16:20 RGS status Aitor Ibarra 16:35 OM status Simon Rosen 16:50 The XCatDB overview and prospects Laurent Michel 17:10 4XMM Mickael Coriat 17:30 The stacked catalogue and Iris Traulsen prospects for 4XMM-DR10s 17:50 XMM zoo and machine learning Hugo Tranin 18:10 Upper limit server(s) Richard Saxton 18:30 Finish Tuesday 24th November (slots include 5 minutes for questions) Chairperson : Jean Ballet 14:00 Searching for long term variability with XMM-Newton, Erwan Quintin 14:30 Particle acceleration in the SNR RX J1713.7-3946, Fabio Acero 14:55 AGN in dwarf galaxies, Keir Birchall 15:20 Synergies with eROSITA, Axel Schwope 15:45 Break Chairperson : Mike Watson 16:00 X-ray luminosity functions in a fixed rest-frame energy band, Ahlam Al Quasim 16:20 XMM2ATHENA Natalie Webb 16:50 Wrap up Natalie Webb 17:00 Time for free discussion