The ACDS retains all archival catalogue entries located within the 99.73% confidence region (equivalent to 3 gaussian sigma) around the position of the EPIC detection. The corresponding error ellipse takes into account systematic and statistical uncertainties on the positions of both EPIC and archival catalogue entries as well as the sky extension for Simbad entries. No proper motion correction is applied to archival entries. The ACDS assumes that the error distribution of EPIC positions is represented by the 2-D Gaussian distribution. Further information can be found in Rosen et al. 2016, A&A, 590A. section 6.
short name | format | product ID | description |
cross-correlation results | HTML | XCORRE | ACDS result home page |
Searched catalogues | FITS HTML | SRCHD_ | List of all catalogues searched, position error properties (columns used and statistical value) and cross-correlation statistics for the observation. This page provideslinks to the detailed descriptions of matching catalogues. |
Catalogue descriptions | HTML | Dcatid | Description file of the original catalog based on the Vizier READMEs or on specific descriptions for Chandra and Simbad |
Source cross-correlation summary | FITS HTML | SRCSUM | Correlations of EPIC sources with archival catalogues (sorted by EPIC source number). This page lists a summary of EPIC and catalogue data and provides links to finding charts and detailed catalogue extractions. |
Source cross-correlation results | FITS HTML | SRCRES | All measurements available for archival entries in correlation with EPIC sources. Entries are grouped by archival catalogue. Direct link to this page is available from the summary page. |
FoV cross-correlation summary | FITS HTML | FOVSUM | Archival catalogue entries found in EPIC field of view (sorted by right ascension) independently of their correlation with EPIC sources. The list of catalogues searched is a subset of those queried around EPIC positions. This page gives a summary of the archival data and provides links to detailed catalogue extractions. |
FoV cross-correlation results | FITS HTML | FOVRES | All measurements available for archival entries with positions within the EPIC field of view (independently of their correlation with EPIC sources). Entries are grouped by archival catalogue. Direct link to this page is available from the summary page. |
Catalog plot | CATPLT | Positions of a selection of archival catalogue entries present in the field of view overlayed on an EPIC image. | |
XMM-Rosat image | ROSIMG | XMM images are shown as | |
red contours overlayed on a grey-scale ROSAT image extracted from pointed or survey observations. Green crosses show the positions of EPIC sources. This product is not generated when no ROSAT observation covers the EPIC field of view. | |||
Finding chart | FCHART00srcnum | Source finding chart | |
Source correlations | FITS | Scatid00srcnum | EPIC source correlations |
Reference doc:
The list of searched catalogue contains lt lits of catalog EPIC sources are cross-correlated with. This list is update one or 2 times par year. Further information on one catalog is available by pasting its name in the Vizier search bar.
server | cat Name | ACDS id (catid) | standard measurement |
simbad | simbad | 0001A | |
vizir | II/349/ps1 | 2349A | gmag |
vizir | I/322A/out | 1322A | Vmag |
vizir | II/335/galex_ais | 2335A | NUVmag |
vizir | V/147/sdss12 | 5147A | rmag |
vizir | II/328/allwise | 2328A | W1mag |
vizir | II/356/xmmom41s | 2356A | UVW1mAB |
vizir | J/A+A/478/659/table4 | 3478T | Vmag |
vizir | J/A+A/588/A103/cat2rxs | 3588T | CRate |
vizir | IX/43/sources | 9043A | CR0 |
vizir | J/ApJS/238/32/3maxi | 3832T | F4-10keV |
vizir | J/ApJS/238/32/table3 | 3833T | F4-10keV |
vizir | IX/55/xmm3r8s | 9055A | Flux8 |
vizir | IX/53/xmmsl2c | 9053A | FluxB8 |
vizir | J/MNRAS/470/512/catalog | IBIS1 | Flux |
vizir | J/ApJS/223/15/table2 | IBIS2 | F20-40 |
vizir | J/A+A/523/A61/table2 | IBIS3 | Flux |
vizir | B/mk/mktypes | 2023A | Mag |
vizir | J/AJ/142/138/Mdwarfs | 5142T | Vmag |
vizir | VII/278/snrs | 7278A | S(1GHz) |
vizir | J/MNRAS/483/5554/catalog | 7483T | EP8L |
vizir | J/ApJS/157/59/table2 | 1575B | Lum |
vizir | VIII/82/mgpscat | 8082A | St |
vizir | B/psr/psr | 2034A | S1400 |
vizir | J/MNRAS/384/1277/emitters | 0478T | r'mag |
vizir | II/321/iphas2 | 2321A | rmha |
vizir | J/ApJ/836/99/table5 | 1836A | Fcts |
vizir | VII/279/dr12q | 7279A | z.b |
vizir | J/A+A/585/A162/tablec1 | 3585A | LX |
vizir | J/MNRAS/425/355/catalog | 7425A | W(Ha) |
vizir | J/A+A/373/63/table6 | 3373A | RB |
vizir | J/MNRAS/461/3443/table5 | 7461A | SNR |
vizir | J/A+A/534/A55/table5 | 3534A | CRate |
vizir | J/ApJS/239/13/table4 | 2239A | C0.35-8.0 |
vizir | J/MNRAS/482/4570/gaia2wd | 7482A | Gmag |
vizir | J/A+A/455/1165/table1 | GHMXB | FX |
vizir | II/327/ysoc | 2327A | F90 |
vizir | J/ApJS/229/28/xsources | 2229C | logFt |
vizir | J/AJ/149/7/tablea1 | 5149T | Vmag |
vizir | J/AJ/130/586/20cm | 5130A | Sp20cm |
vizir | J/AJ/130/586/6cm | 5130B | Sp6cm |
vizir | J/A+A/586/A81/table5 | 3586A | Fmax |
vizir | J/PASJ/55/161/table5 | 1005B | S/N |
vizir | J/ApJS/161/185/table2 | 2161A | FluxH |
vizir | J/ApJS/234/23/r90cat | 2234A | W1mag |
vizir | J/ApJS/234/23/c75cat | 2234B | W1mag |
vizir | VII/280/catalog | 7280A | z |
vizir | VII/250/2dfgrs | 7250A | z.obs |
vizir | VII/274/bzcat5 | 7274A | z |
vizir | J/A+A/380/441/table1 | 3380A | B25mag |
vizir | J/A+AS/141/123/table1 | 4141A | Bmag |
vizir | J/ApJ/701/508/agn_mc | 1701A | [3.6] |
vizir | J/AcA/52/217/bul_sc | 2052T | Vmag |
vizir | VIII/100/gleamegc | 8100B | Fpwide |
chandra | CXC/V2/chandra | 0003A | flux_aper_avg_b |
vizir | B/denis/denis | 0011A | Imag |
vizir | B/cb/cbdata | 0012A | mag1 |
vizir | B/cb/lmxbdata | 0012B | mag1 |
vizir | B/cb/pcbdata | 0012C | mag1 |
vizir | B/bax/bax | 0013A | Fx |
vizir | B/ocl/clusters | 0014A | Diam |
vizir | B/gcvs/gcvs_cat | 0015A | magMax |
vizir | B/wd/catalog | 0016A | Vmag |
vizir | I/305/out | 1305A | Fmag |
vizir | I/297/out | 1297A | Vmag |
vizir | I/284/out | 1284A | B1mag |
vizir | I/259/tyc2 | 1259A | BTmag |
vizir | I/259/suppl_1 | 1259B | VTmag |
vizir | I/252/out | 1252A | Bmag |
vizir | I/239/hip_main | 1239A | Vmag |
vizir | I/239/h_dm_com | 1239B | rho |
vizir | I/221/lmc | 1221A | Mag |
vizir | I/221/smc | 1221B | Mag |
vizir | I/345/gaia2 | 1345A | Gmag |
vizir | II/305/catalog | 2305A | [3.6] |
vizir | II/298/fis | 2298A | S90 |
vizir | II/297/irc | 2297A | S09 |
vizir | II/295/SSTGC | 2295A | Ksmag |
vizir | II/295/GC-IRAC | 2295B | Flux |
vizir | II/293/glimpse | 2293A | Jmag |
vizir | II/246/out | 2246A | Jmag |
vizir | II/236/lmc | 2236A | Vmag |
vizir | II/236/smc | 2236B | Vmag |
vizir | II/236/lmc_sp | 2236C | Vmag |
vizir | II/236/smc_sp | 2236D | Vmag |
vizir | II/236/lmc_sp2 | 2236E | Vmag |
vizir | II/228A/denisLMC | 2228A | Imag |
vizir | II/228A/denisSMC | 2228B | Imag |
vizir | II/213/pvar | 2213A | Imag |
vizir | II/207A/catalog | 2207A | Vmag1 |
vizir | II/156A/main | 2156A | Fnu12 |
vizir | II/125/main | 2125A | Fnu_12 |
vizir | II/106/catalog | 2106A | Gmag |
vizir | J/ApJS/181/227/table2 | 0731T | F24um |
vizir | III/279/rave_dr5 | 3279A | ImagD |
vizir | III/215/table13 | 3215A | GLAT |
vizir | III/205/catalog | 3205A | Vmag |
vizir | III/198/main | 3198A | VMag |
vizir | III/147/catalog | 3147A | Vmag |
vizir | III/67A/catalog | 3067A | Vmag |
vizir | III/43/main | 3043A | Pmag |
vizir | V/123A/cv | 5123A | Maxmag |
vizir | V/114/msx6_main | 5114A | A |
vizir | V/114/msx6_gp | 5114B | A |
vizir | V/106/hmxbcat | HMXBA | Fx |
vizir | V/106/lmxbcat | HMXBB | Fx |
vizir | V/70A/catalog | 5070A | Vmag |
vizir | V/50/catalog | 5050A | Vmag |
vizir | VII/259/6dfgs | 7259A | bJmag |
vizir | VII/259/spectra | 7259B | z |
vizir | VII/258/vv10 | 7258A | Vmag |
vizir | VII/259/spectra | 7249A | Target |
vizir | VII/264/sbs | 7246A | Jmag |
vizir | VII/241/2qz | 7241A | bJmag |
vizir | VII/237/pgc | 7237A | PGC |
vizir | VII/234/catalog | 7234A | Imag |
vizir | VII/233/xsc | 7233A | J.K20e |
vizir | VII/225B/catalog | 7225A | Imag |
vizir | VII/221/pscz | 7221A | S12 |
vizir | VII/213/groups | 7213A | TotMag |
vizir | VII/209A/cgmw1 | 7209A | CGMW |
vizir | VII/209A/cgmw2 | 7209B | CGMW |
vizir | VII/209A/cgmw3 | 7209C | CGMW |
vizir | VII/209A/cgmw4 | 7209D | CGMW |
vizir | VII/209A/cgmw5 | 7209E | CGMW |
vizir | VII/203/catalog | 7203A | mag |
vizir | VII/202/catalog | 7202A | Rsun |
vizir | VII/193/zcat | 7193A | Vh |
vizir | VII/193/zbig | 7193B | z |
vizir | VII/189/table1 | 7189A | P |
vizir | VII/185/catalog | 7185A | Hvel |
vizir | VII/181/table2 | 7181A | Flux |
vizir | VII/181/table3 | 7181B | Flux |
vizir | VII/181/table4 | 7181C | Flux |
vizir | VII/181/table5 | 7181D | Flux |
vizir | VII/175/table3 | 7175A | M1 |
vizir | VII/172/table7 | 7172A | Mag |
vizir | VII/170/catalog | 7170A | Diam |
vizir | VII/157/12micron | 7157A | F12 |
vizir | VII/155/rc3 | 7155A | Bmag |
vizir | VII/145/catalog | 7145A | MB |
vizir | VII/113/xcat | 7113A | Fnu_12 |
vizir | VII/89B/catalog | 7089A | Ngal |
vizir | VII/34C/catalog | 7034A | MajAxis |
vizir | VII/26D/catalog | 7026A | Pmag |
vizir | VIII/84/7c | 8084A | Sint |
vizir | VIII/81B/sumss212 | 8081B | Sp |
vizir | VIII/97/catalog | 8097 | Sp |
vizir | VIII/92/first14 | 8071A | Fpeak |
vizir | VIII/69A/wish11 | 8069A | S |
vizir | VIII/65/nvss | 8065A | S1.4 |
vizir | VIII/62/wenss | 8062A | Speak |
vizir | VIII/50/catalog | 8050A | F1.5 |
vizir | VIII/42/txs | 8042A | S365 |
vizir | VIII/40/gb6 | 8040A | Flux |
vizir | VIII/38/pmns | 8038A | Flux |
vizir | VIII/38/pmnz | 8038B | Flux |
vizir | VIII/38/pmnt | 8038C | Flux |
vizir | VIII/38/pmne | 8038D | Flux |
vizir | VIII/16/mrcj2000 | 8016A | S408 |
vizir | VIII/15/pkscat90 | 8015A | S2700 |
vizir | VIII/13/catalog | 8013A | Flux |
vizir | IX/35/survey | 9035A | c100A |
vizir | IX/35/deepsurv | 9035B | c100DS |
vizir | IX/35/detect | 9035C | c100A |
vizir | IX/35/faint | 9035D | CRate |
vizir | IX/35/rap | 9035E | c100A |
vizir | IX/32/rosat | 9032A | CR |
vizir | IX/30/2rxp | 9030A | Crate |
vizir | IX/29/rass_fsc | 9029A | Count |
vizir | IX/28A/hricat | 9028A | CRate |
vizir | IX/18/catalog | 9018A | cts1 |
vizir | IX/15/catalog | 9015A | ctrate |
vizir | IX/13/2e | 9013A | Crate |
vizir | IX/10A/1rxs | 9010A | Count |
vizir | IX/10A/1rxs_cor | 9010B | Flux1 |
vizir | J/A+A/316/147/table1 | 0071T | Rate |
vizir | J/A+A/335/467/table3 | 0152T | CR |
vizir | J/A+A/527/A126/catalog | 0161T | scep_8Flux |
vizir | J/A+AS/106/303/table2 | 0170T | Counts |
vizir | J/A+AS/110/469/table3a | 0181T | Count |
vizir | J/A+AS/114/465/table2 | 0201T | obsCount |
vizir | J/A+AS/114/465/table4 | 0202T | Count |
vizir | J/A+AS/114/465/table5 | 0203T | obsCount |
vizir | J/A+AS/132/341/table5 | 0291T | Vmag |
vizir | J/A+AS/136/81/table1 | 0305T | Crate |
vizir | J/A+AS/139/277/table1 | 0307T | CR |
vizir | J/A+AS/142/41/table2 | 0309T | CR |
vizir | J/A+AS/143/391/table4 | 0311T | Rate |
vizir | J/A+AS/147/75/table3 | 0313T | CRate |
vizir | J/AJ/115/2587/table1 | 0341T | CountRate |
vizir | J/ApJ/502/558/table3 | 0701T | FX |
vizir | J/ApJ/519/533/table1 | 0703T | CtRate |
vizir | J/ApJS/111/163/table5 | 0461T | CTXray |
vizir | J/ApJS/111/163/table6 | 0462T | CTXray |
vizir | J/ApJS/111/163/table7 | 0463T | CRXray |
vizir | J/ApJS/133/1/table2 | 0466T | FluxH |
vizir | J/ApJS/134/77/table2 | 0467T | F3 |
vizir | J/ApJS/117/319/table1 | 0710T | CRate |
vizir | J/ApJS/117/319/table2 | 0711T | CRate |
vizir | J/ApJS/129/547/table1 | 0713T | Sx |
vizir | J/ApJS/129/547/table2 | 0714T | Sx |
vizir | J/ApJ/660/239/table1 | 0730T | zph |
vizir | J/MNRAS/260/77/table1 | 0471T | S2a |
vizir | J/MNRAS/274/1165/catalog | 0472T | S1 |
vizir | J/MNRAS/274/1194/table1 | 0473T | S1 |
vizir | J/MNRAS/318/333/table1 | 0475T | CRVTP |
vizir | J/MNRAS/301/881/table3 | 0476T | CR(VTP) |
vizir | J/MNRAS/311/456/rixos | 0477T | XCR |
vizir | J/ApJS/90/173/j2000 | 0511T | Flux |
vizir | J/MNRAS/294/607/7cg | 0531T | S(in) |
vizir | J/A+AS/102/451/table2 | 0551T | MA |
vizir | J/A+AS/141/123/table1 | 0562T | Bmag |
vizir | J/A+A/380/441/table1 | 0563T | B25mag |
vizir | J/ApJS/96/461/table2 | 0571T | Flux |
vizir | J/ApJS/121/287/cfa2s | 0586T | mZW |
vizir | J/MNRAS/278/1025/galaxy | 0591T | Bj |
vizir | J/MNRAS/289/263/catalog | 0601T | Xmag |
vizir | J/MNRAS/301/881/table3 | 0612T | CR |
vizir | J/PASP/111/438/catalog | 0621T | Bmag |
vizir | J/ApJS/129/475/cnoc0223 | 0631T | Imag |
vizir | J/AJ/123/855/table1 | 0650T | Vmag |
vizir | J/other/PNAOJ/6.1/kug2_2 | 0661T | Bmag |
L. Michel C. Motch - ObAS - 2022