SIMPLE = T / conforms to FITS standard BITPIX = 8 / array data type NAXIS = 0 / number of array dimensions EXTEND = T END XTENSION= 'BINTABLE' / binary table extension BITPIX = 8 / array data type NAXIS = 2 / number of array dimensions NAXIS1 = 8 / length of dimension 1 NAXIS2 = 630 / length of dimension 2 PCOUNT = 0 / number of group parameters GCOUNT = 1 / number of groups TFIELDS = 1 / number of table fields TTYPE1 = 'UNIQ ' TFORM1 = '1K ' PIXTYPE = 'HEALPIX ' ORDERING= 'NUNIQ ' COORDSYS= 'C ' / reference frame (C=ICRS) MOCORDER= 14 MOCTOOL = 'MOCPy ' END pprrr rr]½]¿]]]]]]]1]D]F]L]N]`]a]bw w w w w w w w w w w w w w Gw Mw Nw Ow w w w w w w w!w!w!w!w!w!4w!w!w!+_+o+s++++++++. . . .\.^/(/*///////܁܁܁܁܁܁1܁3܁܁܁܁܁܁܃܃܃ ܃9܃܃܃܃܃܃܃܃܃܃܄\܄]܄^܄t܄v܄|܄~܄܄܄܄܄܆4܆5܆6܆8܆9܆:܆D܆E܆F܆H܆I܆J܆܆܆pwp{ppppppppp ppppp%p'pppppppp!p"p#pJpKpNpOpZp[p^p_p p pppppppJpKpNpOpZpvp|p~ppppppppppp$p%p&p,p.pppppprGrMrOrQrRrSrkrrrrrrrrrrrr9r;rrrrr =r ?r r r r r rYr r!r#r8r9r<r=rhrirjrlrmrxryr|r|r~rrrrrPrQrRrXrZrlrmrnrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr,r0rrrrrrr$r%r@rArB]µ]µ]µ]µ]µ]µ]µ]¶]¶]¶]·]·]·]·]·&]·']·)]·*]·+]»w]»}]»~]»]»]»]»]¼]¼;]¼A]¼B]¼C]¼]¼]¼]¼]¼]¼]¾]¾]¾]¾ ]¾ ]-].]/]3]6]7]b]c]f]g]r]s]v]w]]]]"]#]&]']2]3]6]7]b]c]f]g]r]s]v]w]"]#]&]']2]3]6]7]b]c]f]g]r]s]v]w]"]#]&]']2]3]6]7]b]n]]]]]]]]]]$]&]']:]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]0]2]8]]]]]]]]]]1]3]9]:];]A]B]C]]]]]]]]]] ] ]!]"]#]S]Y][]q]r]s]]]]]]A]C]I]K]h]i]l]m]o]]]]]]]]]0E]0G]0M]0O]0e]0g]0]0]0]0]2Q]2\]2]]2_]2u]2w]3]3]3]3]3]3]3]3]3]3]9]9]9]9]9a]9m]9]9]9]<]<]<]<]<]<]<]<]<]<]<]=]=]=]=]=]=]=]=]=]=]E]E]E]E]E]GT]GV]G\]G^]G]G]G]G]G]G]ML]MN]Md]M]M]M]M]M]O]O]O]O]O0]O2]O]O]O]O]P]P ]P ]P ]P"]P(]c|]c]c]c]c]c]c]c]c]c]c]dt]d]d]d]d]d]d]d]d]d]d]d]e]e]e]f]f]f]f ]hl]hm]hn]ht]hu]hv]hx]h]h]h]h]h]i ]i