Combined parameters for the html summary page


The mean date of the observation, ( MJD_START - MJD_STOP ) / 2, given in YYYY-MM-DD.d.


The name of the target of the observation OBS_ID as derived from the keyword OBJECT in the FITS header of the pipeline products.

EP_ONTIME  [count/s]

Maximum good exposure time of the source, that is, MAX [ ca_ONTIME ].

GAL_l  [deg]

Galactic latitude of the unique source SRCID (calculated from SC_RA and SC_DEC).

GAL_b  [deg]

Galactic longitude of the unique source SRCID (calculated from SC_RA and SC_DEC).

MIN_OFFAXIS  [arcmin]

Minimum of the offaxis angles from up to three cameras (PN_OFFAX, M1_OFFAX, M2_OFFAX).